foundation garments (Q4095)
From CanonBase
An undergarment used to temporarily control or reshape the actor's body.
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | foundation garments | An undergarment used to temporarily control or reshape the actor's body. |
Type of information
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3 August 2013
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historical term
foundation garments (English)
An undergarment used to temporarily control or reshape the actor's body. (English)
3 August 2013
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korzet (Czech)
Část oděvu která slouží k vytvarování či zůžení hrudníku a pasu (Czech)
3 August 2013
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busto (Italian)
Indumento intimo usato per controllare temporaneamente o rimodellare il corpo dell'attore. (Italian)
3 August 2013
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korset (Dutch)
onderkledingsstuk om het figuur te modelleren, gemaakt in elastisch materiaal (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Korsett (German)
Unterbekleidungsstück das den Körper des Darstellers während des Tragens formt. (German)
3 August 2013
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armazón del vestuario (Spanish)
Una prenda interior utilizada para controlar temporalmente o remodelar el cuerpo del actor. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
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figurformare (Swedish)
Ett underplagg som formar skådespelarens kropp (Swedish)
3 August 2013
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sous-vêtement baleiné (French)
3 August 2013
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