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The activity is a first step towards learning and understanding specific theatre words in a language other than the student’s own.

Key Information

Number of learners We suggest that 44 students is a practical maximum for one teacher. Doing the activity together is beneficial because students compete with each other, but you can also do this on your own, or two people can each set a crossword for the other.
Number of staff The teacher.
ECTS Credits (if applicable) 0.125 ECTS credits

Learning process

Lecture/seminar Lecture, presentation, discussion (face-to-face or online)
Making project Making a model, mock-up, plan or design (physical or digital)
Performance project Making a performance or demonstration (live or mediated)
Records and Archives Interviews, photographs and videos of artefacts, annotating archives, creating learning materials (physical or digital)
X Independent study Reading, researching, analysing and evaluating learning materials (physical or digital) in groups or alone

Type of learner

X Student of technical theatre
X Student of theatre design, architecture
X Student of theatre arts
X Professional
X General public

What You Will Need

Duration and schedule

The activity takes 1 hour:

If you are using our prepared crossword, aimed at German speakers learning English theatre words, preparation is 10 minutes by the teacher, copying the crossword for each student.

If you want the clues in your own language, you can use the same grid and solution, and create your own version by translating the clues. This will take 1-2 hours.

50 minutes with the learners:

  • 5 minutes introduction
  • 30 minutes working in groups
  • 15 minutes presentation and discussion

Room or type of space



It is helpful if there is a way to share the solution afterwards, such as a projector or screen in the classroom.

Learners should not use their mobile phones to search for translation.

Materials (consumables)

A copy of the crossword for each learner.

Learning resources (books, websites)

Physical dictionaries, such as OISTAT Theatre Words (https://theatrewords.com).



Create a suitable crossword with clues and the solution, or use our one for German speakers learning English theatre words.

The learning activity

The teacher starts by introducing the activity, showing the learners the crossword grid to fill in.

Each student then has half an hour to work on the crossword. At the end of this time there is a discussion of the results.

Assessment and feedback

Feedback can be immediate, as part of the discussion.

Our Experience


The session can be very quick, if students who have worked internationally are in the classroom, or those who know the language of the theatre words.

This is an easy, quick and fun activity!

Additional information and resources


File:Crossword Solution.pdf


This learning method was made by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bri Newesely with Dipl.-Ing. Sarah Kamender
Institution: Berliner Hochschule für Technik (BHT)
Thanks to: This activity is based on a 2010 crossword, developed by Dipl.-Ing. Sarah Kamender, who studied in Great Britain.
