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== Collection information ==
== Collection information ==
Part of collection (P67)
==== [[Property:P67|Part of collection (P67) ]] ====
==== [[Property:P67|Part of collection (P67) ]] ====
* Refers to the collection the item is part of.
* Use only for unique pieces
** [[Property:P204|Storage (P204)]]
** The physical place where the item is stored.
** Storage (txt) ToDo
==== [[Property:P190|collection number (P190) ]] ====
==== [[Property:P190|collection number (P190) ]] ====
* The number or code given by a collection to a unique object
* The number or code given by a collection to a unique object
* Value is String (language independant text)
====  [[Property:P187|provenance (P187) ]] ====
====  [[Property:P187|provenance (P187) ]] ====

Revision as of 17:29, 3 November 2023

In progress


This page describes specific properties for sets and painted scenery pieces. These are considered in the CanonBase as a specific type of equipment in the field of stage mechanics and sets.

Porperties that are more general, like collection information, media, sources or references are only described her if they have a significant meaning, different from the ones in the equipment help pages.

Specific properties for sets

painted scenic element

  • we need to define the main class under which we add all the types os set pieces. ????
  • based on this we can develop the list that will become part of the equipment list, but can be shown separately (and can be shown also with the studios and painters.

Subject (to do)

Paint system / paint method (ToDo)

  • The paint method includes as well the way a piece is painted (Frame, Floor, ...), the type of paint, and the painting technique.
  • multiple values are possible
  • still needs
    • value list
    • description of different items

Material (P154)

  • Refers to the materials used
  • Value = item
  • Can have multiple values
Material expected value list (Q12973) 


Studio (P139)

  • Refers to the workshop the painter worked or the set was ordered from
  • Value = item
  • Possible values are persons that have [business] = “scenic workshop”
  • (this could also be a workshop of a theatre)
Studio list

Scenic artist (P151)

  • Refers to the scenic painter
  • Value = item
  • Possible values are persons that have [occupation] = “scenic painter”
Scenic artist (list)

Part of set?


First use date (P111)

  • First time the the set was used.
  • value = point in time

Significant date (P237)

  • A date that is significant for the set, and is not captured in the standard set of date properties available.
  • value = point in time
  • Needs a qualifier timeline label (this is shown on the timeline and in lists to make the date visible.)
  • Describe the event in a context qualifier

Demolished (P108)

  • Date of the destruction of the set
  • value = point in time
  • Describe the event in a context qualifier if needed

Collection date (P189)

  • Date the item entered the collection
  • value = point in time

Date inventory (P203)

  • Date the item entered the inventory
  • value = point in time


Dimensions (txt) (P43)

  • use for unformated dimentions
  • Value = Monolingual text (add language)

Height (P327)

  • refers to the height of the object
  • Value = quantity (decimals)
  • add unit to property
  • The measurement is preferably in cm or inch.
  • The measurement is taken from to????????????
  • if an object has significant different heights, add multiple heights with qualifiers.

Width (P328)

  • refers to the width of the object
  • Value = quantity (decimals)
  • add unit to property
  • The measurement is preferably in cm or inch.
  • The measurement is taken from to????????????
  • if an object has significant different widths, add multiple widths with qualifiers.

Collection information

Part of collection (P67)

Part of collection (P67)

  • Refers to the collection the item is part of.
  • Use only for unique pieces
    • Storage (P204)
    • The physical place where the item is stored.
    • Storage (txt) ToDo

collection number (P190)

  • The number or code given by a collection to a unique object
  • Value is String (language independant text)

provenance (P187)

  • Description (in text) of the origine, the prior users of an object in a collection
  • Use qualifier [source] or [source URL] to link to details in other sources.

Condition (P186)

  • Description (in text) of the condition of a unique object in a collection.
  • Use qualifier [point in time] to mark the date the condition is defined.

Treatments (P201)

  • Describes (in text) the treatments that a unique object has been subject to. (e.g. cleaning, repairs, alterations, ...)
  • Value is monolingual text

safety hazards (P188)

  • Description (in text) of the issues that could create a risk for the users of an object in a collection.
  • Value is monolingual text
  • For example electrical risks, sharp edges, asbestos, ...

threats and risks

  • describes the risks for the item or object, comming from the environment. This can be physical as well a risks of disapearing by lack of means, organisational priorities, dead of owner, ...
  • Value is monolingual text
  • can be used for a single piece or a whole collection
