Help:Geographic area

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To facilitate finding information based on the geographical boundaries, we organised the geographical descriptions in the following order:

Continent – Country – Region – Province – City – City section.

In reality, each country is organised differently and has different names for its geographical entities.

  • For each country we decide if and what two levels between country and city are appropriate to use.
  • For each city, we decide if it is useful to divide it in city section.
  • If a level is not used, we show the information on the level above.



  • The name of the geographical entity, as used today.
  • We the name of a geographical entity, if the entity itself uses names in different languages. (if not just copy in your language)
  • If there could be confusion between city sections, cities, regions and provinces with the same name add between brackets the level. For example Antwerp (district) Put the name without brackets as alias for consistency reasons.


  • You can give a short (max 30 words) description of the geographic entity.
  • The standard phrasing is “city in [country]”.
  • In the case of a geographic entity with specific, important properties, these can be added.

Also known as

  • This field is used to facilitate searching.(You could add for example "Netherlands" as alternative for "The Netherlands"
  • When a geographical entity was called differently in earlier time periods, you can add an alias

Properties for all geographic entities

There is no [type of information] or [field], but the entities are described by

Instance of (P1)*

Possible values are:
* continent (Q23873)
* Country (Q440)
* Region (Q19460)
* province (Q19407)
* City (Q44)
* city section (Q22935)

Properties for Countries

Continent (P253)*

  • the continent where the country is situated
  • property needed for good functioning

Properties for Regions

Country (P29)*

  • the country continent where the region is situated
  • property needed for good functioning

Properties for Provinces

Country (P29)*

  • the country where the province is situated
  • property needed for good functioning

Region (P175)*

  • the region where the province is situated
  • property needed for good functioning

Properties for Cities

Country (P29)*

  • the country where the city is situated
  • property needed for good functioning

Province (P174)*

  • the province where the city is situated
  • property needed for good functioning

Properties for City sections

Province (P247)*

  • the city where the city part is situated
  • property needed for good functioning


Significant date (P237)

  • a date that is significant for the geographical entity, and is not captured in the standard set of date properties available.
  • Needs a qualifier timeline label (this is shown on the timeline and in lists to make the date visible.)
  • Describe the event in a context qualifier


Image (P2) or Internal image (P24)

  • A picture representing the geographical entity, for example a logo.
  • An [image] refers to a picture in the wiki repository of images ( You can link by copying the name of the file from wikipedia or from the repository.
  • An [Internal image] refers to a picture in our own repository. Upload the document first and copy the link here. (You have to be sure that the picture is open source.)
  • Wikicommons images are preferable
  • if you add a qualifier Instance of (P1) with value “featured image" (Q105), the picture will show automatically on top of the page.

Youtube video (P116)

  • a video on youtube about this geographical entity.
  • if the video mentions multiple persons, geographical entities or subjects, make a separate source for it and use the mentions property to refer to the geographical entity.
  • copy the string after ?v= in the Youtube url and paste it in the [Youtube video] property.

Internal video or Wikicommons media

  • A video on about this geographical entity.
  • If the video mentions multiple persons, geographical entities or subjects, make a separate source item for it and use the mentions property to refer to the person.
  • An Wikicommons media refers to a picture in the wiki repository of videos ( You can link by copying the name of the file from wikipedia or from the repository.
  • An Internal video refers to a video in our own repository. Upload the video first and copy the link here. (You have to be sure that the picture is open source.)
  • Large videos are preferably stored outside of the platform due the limitations of file size.

Commons galery (P181)

  • a link to the commons galery
  • ccopy the last part of the domain name into the property


Archive is kept at (P221)

  • The place or organisation where (parts of) the geographical entitiy archive is kept
  • can be multiple values, in this case describe with a context qualifier the exact situation.

Web (P182)

  • A web resource that is dedicated to this geographical entities only

Source URL (P64)

  • A web resource that is used as an information source for this item.
  • If specific information is retrieved from a source, add this property as qualifier

is mentioned in (inverse property label of mentions, P78)

  • describes the source a geographical entitiy is mentioned in.
  • the input is done on the source side.


Wikidata source (P16)

  • Refers to an entry in Wikidata ( )
  • If the geographical entitiyexists in Wikidata, add Q-number from Wikidata
  • The information from wikidata will partly be displayed at the bottom of the page.

EUTA country id (P152)


The different geographical entities will present a series of visualisations relevant for the entity:

  • Timeline
  • Map
  • List theatres, devided in sub-entities
  • Persons, organised by entity and occupation
  • Persons alphabetically
  • Persons that have worked in
    • only on country level
  • Organisations by type
  • Businesses by type
  • Collections
  • Equipment related to a specific place
  • sources
  • mentions
    • on city level
    • shows sources that mention the theatres of the city
