Building description manual
From CanonBase
Location in the hierarchy
Field* P19
• The [field] for an item describing a building is always “architecture”
Type of information* P11
• The [type of information] is always "theatre" • If the theatre also contains a collection, a second entry [type of information] is "collection". In this case also check the chapter about collections)
Importance P20
• represents the importance of the item in the whole of history. The essence is not to judge a theatre or it's qualities, but to be able to select relevant theatres for mass visualisations. The importance will by definition an arbitrary indicator.
• Levels are:<tbody> </tbody>
QID of value | Value name |
Q504 | No importance |
Q9 | Local importance |
Q62 | national or regional importance |
Q96 | international importance |
Q97 | turning point in history |