Building description manual

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Time information

time frame P86

used to define the time frame the item is about. Specifically useful for theatres where no clear building date is known, like Greek or Roman theatres.

  value list Q30

Building date P101

The date that the building process started

Location hosted theatre P16

marks that there was a previous theatre structure before with the date when so happened. It should be complemented with P240 structure replaces assigning the previous structure.

opening date (or re-opening) P102

The date of the opening of the building, or the first performance. Can also be used for a reopening after closure or redevelopment.

restoration date P103

Starting date of a restoration process The end date is the reopening date restoration is used for restoring in the authentic condition, for updates, redevelopment or refurbishment of a building, use [redevelopment].

reconstruction date P104

Starting date of a reconstruction process Redevelopment is used for updates, changes in structure or refurbishment of a building. For restoring in the authentic condition use [restauration]

discovery date P105

The date a building or a space is rediscovered. This can apply to historic, archaeological sites, but also to theatres that were used for another purpose.

burned down date P106

date of a major fire

closure date P107

Date of a (semi)permanent closure of the building

If the theatre is destroyed, use dissolved, abolished or demolished

dissolved, abolished or demolished P108

Date of the destruction of the building

change of use P169

Date of permanent change of use of the building For example when a theatre becomes a store Add [context] qualifier to add extra information.

by P109

Qualifier referring to a person, mostly an architect Can be used for [Date of restauration], [Date of redevelopment] or [Date of (re)discovering] to state who has lead the action.
