
From CanonBase
Revision as of 08:26, 5 August 2023 by ChrisVG (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Help index ------------------- === Introduction === Performances are not the core business of Canonbase, we only add them in function of the other content. Other...")
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Help index


Performances are not the core business of Canonbase, we only add them in function of the other content. Other databases are specialised in this matter. Therefore we minimise the amount of information and link to other specialised sources.

We do add performances when the are

  • relevant to the history of a building
  • document the use of specific equipment
  • document the work of a designer

The performance pages are used for single performance as well as a production or series of performances.


  • The name of the performance in it's original language
  • We do not translate this
  • Use the most frequent name as label, note alternative names in the also known as field.
  • Copy the original name in your language


  • You can give a short (max 30 words) description of the business
  • This will (not always) be translated

Also known as

  • This field is used to facilitate searching.
  • Add alternative spelling
  • Add nicknames

Basic information

Field (P19)*

  • The [Field] is always "theatre, art and event history (Q93)"

Type of information (P11)*

  • The [type of information] is always "performance (Q75)"

Importance (P20)=

  • Defines how important this performance was for the history of technical theatre, it is used to select items for large visualisations.
Importance value list (Q8)

Context (P47)

  • Can be used to give more information about the performance, the importance, etc.
  • Text length is limited, if needed add a second value.
  • Language is mandatory (fill the language of the text.)
  • If the information is retrieved from an existing source, add a qualifier source (P63) or source URL (P64)

Link to internal Wikipage (P23)

  • This is a link to a wiki-page that will appear on top of the page, with more detailed information about the performance.
  • Language (P35)
    • Language of the wiki-page.
    • This is a obligatory qualifier
Language value list (Q14)


significant date (P237) date of first performance (P114)


played in (P125)


Image (P2) or Internal image (P24)

  • A picture representing the business, for example a logo.
  • An [image] refers to a picture in the wiki repository of images ( You can link by copying the name of the file from wikipedia or from the repository.
  • An [Internal image] refers to a picture in our own repository. Upload the document first and copy the link here. (You have to be sure that the picture is open source.)
  • Wikicommons images are preferable
  • if you add a qualifier Instance of (P1) with value “featured image" (Q105), the picture will show automatically on top of the page.

Youtube video (P116)

  • A video on youtube about this performance.
  • If the video mentions multiple persons, businesses or subjects, make a separate source for it and use the mentions property to refer to the person.
  • Copy the string after ?v= in the Youtube url and paste it in the [Youtube video] property.

Internal video or Wikicommons media

  • A video on about this P116.
  • If the video mentions multiple persons, businesses or subjects, make a separate source item for it and use the mentions property to refer to the person.
  • An Wikicommons media refers to a picture in the wiki repository of videos ( You can link by copying the name of the file from wikipedia or from the repository.
  • An Internal video refers to a video in our own repository. Upload the video first and copy the link here. (You have to be sure that the picture is open source.)

Commons galery (P181)

  • A link to the commons galery
  • Copy the last part of the domain name into the property
  • Large videos are preferably stored outside of the platform due the limitations of file size.
