sound designer (Q3434)
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Sound designers develop a sound design concept for a performance and supervise the execution of it.
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | sound designer | Sound designers develop a sound design concept for a performance and supervise the execution of it. |
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3 August 2013
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historical term
sound designer (English)
The person responsible for designing the soundscape of a production, including all aural elements, and sometimes has the responsibility for planning and executing the layout of all sound and sound reinforcement equipment. (English)
Sound designers develop a sound design concept for a performance and supervise the execution of it. Their work is based on research and artistic vision. Their design is influenced by and influences other designs and must be conform with these designs and the overall artistic vision. Therefore, the designers work closely with artistic directors, operators and the artistic team. Sound designers prepare audio fragments to be used in a performance, which can involve recording, composing, manipulating and editing. Sound designers develop plans, cue lists and other documentation to support the operators and production crew. Sound designers sometimes also work as autonomous artists, creating sound art outside a performance context. (English)
3 August 2013
27 January 2022
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mistr zvuku (Czech)
Osoba zodpovědná za návrh zvukového pojetí včetně všech zvukových prvků. Někdy navíc odpovědná osoba za návrh a realizaci všech zvukových systémů. (Czech)
3 August 2013
zvukový designer (Czech)
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ingegnere del suono (Italian)
3 August 2013
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geluidsontwerper (Dutch)
Productiemedewerker verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit en uitvoering van het geluid voor een voorstelling (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Sound Designer (German)
Kreiert die Klanglandschaften. Verantwortlich für das Layout der Lautsprecheranlage und die Produktion der Klangeffekte. (German)
3 August 2013
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diseñador -ra de sonido (Spanish)
Persona del equipo artístico de una producción responsable de la planificación y de la especificación del material técnico de sonido incluyendo también la composición o la busqueda y edición de la música y los efectos utilizados. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
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ljudsättare (Swedish)
Person som ansvarar för att skapa ljudbilden för en föreställning. Ibland även ansvarig för planering och genomförande av riggning av ljudteknisk utruustning. (Swedish)
3 August 2013
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