Late 20th Century (Q30005)

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Revision as of 12:19, 10 January 2023 by AndersL (talk | contribs) (‎Added [sv] description: Det sena 1900-talet var en tid av snabba och långtgående politiska, sociala och kulturella förändringar, med början i de protester och andra oroligheter som ägde rum över hela världen 1968.)
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Starting with the protests and other unrests that occurred worldwide in 1968, the late 20th century was a time of rapid and far-reaching political, social and cultural changes.

Starting with the protests and other unrests that occurred worldwide in 1968, the late 20th century was a time of rapid and far-reaching political, social and cultural changes.
Language Label Description Also known as
Late 20th Century
Starting with the protests and other unrests that occurred worldwide in 1968, the late 20th century was a time of rapid and far-reaching political, social and cultural changes.


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