scenic artist (Q4526)

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Scenic painters decorate sets for live performances.

Scenic painters decorate sets for live performances.
  • scene painter
  • scenic painter
Language Label Description Also known as
scenic artist
Scenic painters decorate sets for live performances.
  • scene painter
  • scenic painter


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courtesy of
3 August 2013
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historical term
scene painter (English)
An artist responsible for realizing the painting, designed by the scenic designer, using two-dimensional painting techniques to create the scenic illusion. (English)
3 August 2013
scenic artist (English)
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malíř dekorací (Czech)
Osoba zodpovědná za provedení scénické malby. (Czech)
3 August 2013
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scenografo realizzatore (Italian)
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decorschilder (Dutch)
Een kunstenaar die verantwoordelijk is voor het uitvoeren van het schilderwerk naar het ontwerp van de scenograaf bij middel van twee-dimensionale schildertechnieken om de gewenste theatrale illusie te creëren. (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Theatermaler (German)
Verantwortlich für die Realisierung von künstlerischen Malerarbeiten nach Vorgabe der Bühnenbildners. (German)
3 August 2013
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escenógrafa realizadora (Spanish)
El artista responsable de la realización de la obra diseñada por el diseñador escénico y que utiliza técnicas de pintura bidimensional para crear la ilusión escénica. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
escenógrafo realizador (Spanish)
pintor escenógrafo (Spanish)
pintora escenógrafa (Spanish)
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dekormålare (Swedish)
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peintre décorateur (French)
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scenic painter (English)
Scenic painters decorate sets for live performances. They employ a broad variety of crafting and painting techniques such as figurative painting, landscape painting and Trompe-l'oeil to create convincing scenes. Their work is based on artistic vision, sketches and pictures. They work in close cooperation with the designers. (English)
27 January 2022
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Scenic artist (English)
First of all what does a scenic artist do ? Every play must have scenery which must be designed and painted. That is the work of the scenic artist. Then in addition she must know how to build the sets, tell the carpenters how to prop stage rocks, and how to build them so that they can be packed for transportation. The scenic artist must know how to make models to scale, how flats are put together in addition to knowing which colors light best over the footlights; which are warm and cold; which colors get the best effects for certain plays. She must also know a great deal about stage furniture. When she knows all that, she is only really beginning. (English)
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decoratieschilder (Dutch)
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tooneelschilder (Dutch)
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