resident set designer (Q4525)
From CanonBase
The artist that is employed by a theatre company as its principal scenic designer.
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | resident set designer | The artist that is employed by a theatre company as its principal scenic designer. |
Type of information
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courtesy of
3 August 2013
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historical term
resident set designer (English)
The artist that is employed by a theatre company as its principal scenic designer. (English)
3 August 2013
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výtvarník scény v rezidenci (Czech)
Výtvarník scény který je zaměstnán určitým divadlem na dobu alespoň jedné celé sezony. (Czech)
3 August 2013
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huisontwerper (Dutch)
De kunstenaar die in dienst is van een theatergezelschap als voornaamste ontwerper. (Dutch)
3 August 2013
huisscenograaf (Dutch)
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Hausbühnenbildner (German)
Festangestellter oder hauptsächlich beauftragter Bühnenbildner eines Theaters. (German)
3 August 2013
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escenógrafa residente (Spanish)
El artista que es empleado por un teatro o por una compañía de teatro como su escenógrafo principal. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
escenógrafo residente (Spanish)
escenógrafa del teatro (Spanish)
escenógrafo del teatro (Spanish)
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scenograf (fast anställd) (Swedish)
3 August 2013
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scénographe attaché à un seul théâtre (French)
3 August 2013
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