Help:Uploading files

From CanonBase
Revision as of 09:17, 31 January 2025 by ChrisVG (talk | contribs)
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Files are pictures, documents, videos, 3D objects, ... that are used to illustrate the information in the items. We only use files when they are not available on other sustainable sources or when needed for the functioning of the database.

Uploading files

To upload a file, go to the "Upload files" page.

  • search the file on your computer
  • check the destination filename (the name that will be used in the database) and correct if necesery.
  • add additional information and provide a summary
  • click upload file
  • once the file is uploaded, you can copy the filename and use it in the items.

Maximum file size

  • The maximum file size for all document types is 160 MB

Updating files

If you have a new version of a file, you can upload this, it will be replaced in all items where it is used. Older versions are kept in the history files.

Bulk uploads

copyright issues

metadata and structured data

  • add creator
  • add licence
  • add provenance of the document or source
  • add creation date and place

Prefered and allowed document types

Some document types are prefered over others. The reasons for the choice for a specific type are

  • sustainability of the type, in other words if the document will still be readable over a long period of time.
  • Usability in the wikibase, in other words if the software can handle and show it.

Not all document types are allowed. This can be because of a high risk, it could damage the system, or it is not usable within the software.

Text files

Perfered file type
Allowed  file type
.odt (Open Document Text)
.doc (Microsoft word)
.docx (Microsoft word) 
.ps (Adobe Post script)


Perfered file type 
Allowed  file type


Perfered file type
Allowed  file type
.mkv (container files that support unlimited picture, audio, and subtitle tracks)


Perfered file type
At the moment, there is not a sustainable file format for 3D objects
Allowed  file type
.gltf (standard file format for three-dimensional scenes and models)
.glb a standardized file format used to share 3D data
.skp het eigen bestandstype van het gebruiksvriendelijke ontwerpprogramma SketchUp


Perfered file type 
None, tables should only be added as table if the information needs to be interactive, filtered, ...
Allowed  file type
.ods (OpenDocument Spreadsheet)


Perfered file type
None, presentations should only be added as presentation if the information needs to be interactive, Otherwise they should be stored as pdf-A
Allowed  file type


  • some sector specific files are not usable in the software, for exaple 3D images, showfiles or visualisation software files.
  • when these files are not transferable to a prefered document type, they can be added in a zip file
Perfered file type
Allowed  file type 

Naming conventions documents

All documents are placed in a repositery that so they can be used in multiple places. Therefore we need to give a unique name that makes it possible to find them back.

  • name has to be a title without spaces, therefore we use underscores to fill the spaces.
  • the name can be given in the upload process, but it is easier to rename them in advance.


The principle idea is that pictures should have a human recognisable file name that differentiates it from other files.

* IMG1234 is hard to read or understand
* John_Doe_portret is recognisable


  • naming: brand_name_logo
  • additional a time span can be added
* ADB_Logo_till_1950s

Collection pieces

  • naming: Collection_collection_number
  • when there are multiple pictures, a reference to the exact content can be added
    • _top, _back, _front, _detail, _logo, _type_plate, …
* TEAD_0123_front
* KSB_0386


For persons, we follow the naming conventions in the items.

  • naming: Last_name_Fist_name
  • when there are multiple pictures, a reference to the exact content or a number can be added
* John_Doe
* Jane_Doe_early 1960s
* Louis_Inconue_1


For pictures of buildings we follow the conventions of the item

  • naming: Country code_city_building
    • to find the country code, look up ISO code in the country item
    • Use the Enlish name of the city as staed in the item
  • when there are multiple pictures, a reference to the exact content or a number can be added
* BE_Antwerp_Bourla_theatre
* BE_Antwerp_Bourla_theatre_House

Bulk renaming of documents

If you need to rename a large amount of documents, you can use specialised software

> example with Excel files
