Count Aschebergs stable [Gothenburg] (Q24279)

From CanonBase

temporary space in Götenborg, first mentioning of theatre.

temporary space in Götenborg, first mentioning of theatre.
  • Count Aschebergs stable
Language Label Description Also known as
Count Aschebergs stable [Gothenburg]
temporary space in Götenborg, first mentioning of theatre.
  • Count Aschebergs stable


Type of information
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57°42'26.24512"N, 11°57'57.43688"E
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The first written record of this is from February 1696, when "a piper in Captain Braun's company, Bengt Andersson, complained to the magistrate that he had been attacked by the debt Fagg some time ago, when the comedians were playing in Count Ascheberg's stable (at the corner of Gustaf Adolfs torg and Torggatan) and he stood by the wall and saw how the people there entered in great numbers". (English)
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Den första skriftliga källan av detta är ifrån februari 1696, då ”en pipare vid kapten Brauns kompani, Bengt Andersson, inför magistraten klagar öfver att han blifvit öfverfallen af skulten Fagg för någon tid sedan, när komedianterna spelade i gref Aschebergs stall (i hörnet av Gustaf Adolfs torg och Torggatan ) och han stod vid väggen och såg huru folket der till stor myckenhet trädde in”. (Swedish)
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Gustav Adolfs torg-Torggatan (WB)
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opening date (or re-opening)
February 1696Gregorian
earliest reference (English)
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time frame
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