Raumbühne (Q30553)

From CanonBase

The Raumbühne was conceived by German architect Friedrich Kiesler in 1924 and revealed first in Vienna as concept for a modern theatre.

The Raumbühne was conceived by German architect Friedrich Kiesler in 1924 and revealed first in Vienna as concept for a modern theatre.
Language Label Description Also known as
The Raumbühne was conceived by German architect Friedrich Kiesler in 1924 and revealed first in Vienna as concept for a modern theatre.


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    1924 (English)
    The Raumbühne was conceived by German architect Friedrich Kiesler in 1924 and revealed first in Vienna as concept for a modern theatre. It is an open construction in which multiple stages are stacked and interlocked. You can watch the Raumbühne from any angle.
    0 references
