light check (Q3131)

From CanonBase

A routine of checking of spotlights before a performance to check that the spotlights are all working correctly and have not been moved out of focus.

A routine of checking of spotlights before a performance to check that the spotlights are all working correctly and have not been moved out of focus.
  • lamp check
Language Label Description Also known as
light check
A routine of checking of spotlights before a performance to check that the spotlights are all working correctly and have not been moved out of focus.
  • lamp check


Type of information
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courtesy of
3 August 2013
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historical term
light check (English)
A routine of checking of spotlights before a performance to check that the spotlights are all working correctly and have not been moved out of focus. (English)
3 August 2013
lamp check (English)
0 references
kontrola nasvícení (Czech)
Běžná zkouška světelné techniky před představením kontrola funkčnosti a nastavení technického vybavení. (Czech)
3 August 2013
kontrola scénického osvětlení (Czech)
0 references
illuminare (Italian)
0 references
dimmer check (Dutch)
controle ronde vóór een voorstelling waarbij alle gebruikte schijnwerpers ombeurten worden aangestoken om te zien of de lamp nog werkt en nog in focus is (Dutch)
3 August 2013
lamp check (Dutch)
0 references
Lichtcheck (German)
Die regelmäßige Überprüfung vor jeder Vorstellung das alle Lampenfunktionieren und korrekt fokussiert sind. (German)
3 August 2013
0 references
pasada de iluminación (Spanish)
Una rutina de comprobación antes de una representación de que los focos están todos trabajando correctamente que no han sido movidos fuera de foco y que no se ha fundido ninguna bombilla. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
verificación de los reflectores (Spanish)
0 references
lampcheck (Swedish)
en kontroll av ljuskällorna i en rigg (Swedish)
3 August 2013
0 references
contrôle d’éclairage (French)
0 references
