Pani BP6 HMI (Q31903)

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Pani BP6 HMI
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    In 1983 Pani introduced the most powerfulstage projector in the world • the BP6 HMI,with a 24 x 24cm slide carrier. "By enlargingthe slide area we were able to get thetemperature under control," explained Her•mann Sorger, "and both hand-painted andfilm slides can be used on BP6. Using the13.5cm wide-angle lens, with a projection ofalmost 80°, backstage projection is alsopossible on smaller back-stages." (English)
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    Now used with great expertise for scenicprojection and effects, creative lightingdesigners, most particularly in France, Italyand Holland, began to use both the BP4 andBP6's for outdoor projection projects. TheFiat Uno was launched with the aid of threeHMI projectors and laser guns. In Paris theEiffel Tower has been projected on, and theStatue of Liberty in New York has also hadthe beams of Pani projectors on its surface.A highlight in 1986 was the lighting up ofHouston, Texas by 14 Pani BP4 and BP6 pro·jectors amongst other equipment for thesound and light concert by Jean Michel Jarre,when an estimated 1.3 million people stop·ped the Oty to see the show. (English)
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