complementary color (Q3280)
From CanonBase
Pairs of colors on opposite sides of a color wheel diagram, such as amber and blue or green and magenta, which when additively mixed combine to produce a white light.
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | complementary color | Pairs of colors on opposite sides of a color wheel diagram, such as amber and blue or green and magenta, which when additively mixed combine to produce a white light. |
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3 August 2013
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historical term
complementary color (English)
Pairs of colors on opposite sides of a color wheel diagram, such as amber and blue or green and magenta, which when additively mixed combine to produce a white light. (English)
3 August 2013
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komplementární barva (Czech)
Párové barvy na opačných stranách barevného kotoučového diagramu (jako například žlutá a modrá zelená a purpurová) které pokud se aditivně smíchají dávají dohromady bílou. (Czech)
3 August 2013
doplňková barva (Czech)
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color complementari (Italian)
3 August 2013
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complementaire kleur (Dutch)
paren van kleuren die, additief gemengd, resulteren in wit licht (bv. rood + cyaan) (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Komplementär Farben (German)
Farbkombinationen die bei der Additiven Farbmischung weis ergeben - z. B. Amber und blau bzw. bei der subtraktiven Farbmischung schwarz ergeben - z. B. rot und grün. (German)
3 August 2013
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color complementario (Spanish)
Los pares de colores como rojo y azul o verde y magenta que cuando se mezclan aditivamente se combinan para producir luz blanca. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
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komplementfärg (Swedish)
färger som kompletterar varandra och ger vitt ljus (Swedish)
3 August 2013
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