digital light curtain (Q3327)

From CanonBase

A remotely controlled, motorized array of narrow beam lamps often with color changer which produces a wall of light when used with atmospheric haze.

A remotely controlled, motorized array of narrow beam lamps often with color changer which produces a wall of light when used with atmospheric haze.
  • DLC
Language Label Description Also known as
digital light curtain
A remotely controlled, motorized array of narrow beam lamps often with color changer which produces a wall of light when used with atmospheric haze.
  • DLC


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3 August 2013
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historical term
digital light curtain (English)
A remotely controlled, motorized array of narrow beam lamps often with color changer which produces a wall of light when used with atmospheric haze. (English)
3 August 2013
DLC (English)
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digitální světelná opona (Czech)
Dálkově ovladatelná motorozivaná řada úzkých nízkovoltových svítidel často s měničem barev která vytváří „světelnou oponu“ je-li použit haze nebo mlha (Czech)
3 August 2013
stěna (Czech)
DLC (Czech)
0 references
barriera di luce (digitale) (Italian)
0 references
digitaal lichtgordijn (Dutch)
lichtgordijn met digitaal bestuurde kleurwisseling (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Lichtvorhang (German)
Eine Rampe mit vielen eng bündelten Lichtquellen (z. B. Niervoltlampen) und steuerbarem Farbwechsler. Die Rampe kann automatisch geschwenkt werden und erzeugt in leichtem Dunst eine Wand aus Licht. (German)
3 August 2013
0 references
cortina digitalizada de luz (Spanish)
Una batería de lámparas de haz estrecho controlada por control remoto con cambiador de colores que produce un muro de luz cuando se utiliza con neblina atmosférica en el aire. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
0 references
digital ljusridå (Swedish)
Ljusridå försedd med färgväxlare. (Swedish)
3 August 2013
0 references


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