frequency (Q3366)

From CanonBase

The number of repetitions, per unit of time, of a complete waveform; the number of times a sound source vibrates each second measured in Hertz - Hz.

The number of repetitions, per unit of time, of a complete waveform; the number of times a sound source vibrates each second measured in Hertz - Hz.
Language Label Description Also known as
The number of repetitions, per unit of time, of a complete waveform; the number of times a sound source vibrates each second measured in Hertz - Hz.


    Type of information
    Wikidata source
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    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
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    historical term
    frequency (English)
    The number of repetitions, per unit of time, of a complete waveform; the number of times a sound source vibrates each second measured in Hertz - Hz. (English)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    frekvence (Czech)
    Počet opakování zvukové vlny za časovou jednotku obvykle za sekundu; měří se v Hz - Herzích. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    frequenza (Italian)
    0 references
    frequentie (Dutch)
    Het aantal keren per seconde dat een golfvorm (of alg. een gebeurtenis) zich herhaalt, uitgedrukt in Hertz (Hz) (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    Frequenz (German)
    Die Anzahl der Wiederholung einer Periode pro Zeiteinheit. Einheit Hertz (Hz) (German)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    frecuencia (Spanish)
    El número del repeticiones por unidad de tiempo de una forma de onda completa como el número de veces que una fuente de sonido vibra cada segundo medido en Hertz - Hz. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    frekvens (Swedish)
    Antalet fullbordade svängningar hos en vågform per given tidsenhet såsom en ljudvågs svängningar per sekund mätt i Hertz (Hz). (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    fréquence (French)
    0 references
    frequency (English)
    The number of complete cycles of a periodic variation occurringduring a specified time. For a sound wave, or its equivalent electrical wave,frequency is normally stated in cycles per second. The higher the frequencyof a sound, the higher its pitch (neglecting any effect of amplitude or pitch). (English)
    0 references
