primary color (Q3463)

From CanonBase

A color that cannot be created by mixing other colors together. The three primary colors in pigment are red, blue, and yellow, in light, they are red, blue, and green.

A color that cannot be created by mixing other colors together. The three primary colors in pigment are red, blue, and yellow, in light, they are red, blue, and green.
Language Label Description Also known as
primary color
A color that cannot be created by mixing other colors together. The three primary colors in pigment are red, blue, and yellow, in light, they are red, blue, and green.


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    3 August 2013
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    primary color (English)
    A color that cannot be created by mixing other colors together. The three primary colors in pigment are red, blue, and yellow, in light, they are red, blue, and green. (English)
    3 August 2013
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    základní barvy (Czech)
    Barva která nemůže být vytvořena smícháním jiných barev. Tři základní barvy v pigmentu jsou červená modrá a žlutá. Ve světle je to červená modrá a zelená. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    primární barvy (Czech)
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    colori primari (Italian)
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    primaire kleuren (Dutch)
    Een primaire kleur kan niet ontstaan door menging van andere kleuren. In licht zijn de primaire kleuren: rood blauw en green. In pigment zijn dit: rood blauw en geel (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
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    Grundfarben (German)
    Farbe die nicht durch das Mischen anderer Farben miteinander erzielt werden kann. Die drei Grundfarben sind Rot Blau und Gelb. Die additiven Grundfarben sind Rot Blau und Grün. (German)
    3 August 2013
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    colores primarios (Spanish)
    Un color que no puede ser creado mezclando otros colores. Los tres colores primarios en pigmento son rojo azul y amarillo. En luz son rojo azul y verde. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
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    grundfärger (Swedish)
    En färg som inte kan skapas genom att blanda andra färger. Vid pigmentblandning är de tre grundfärgerna rött blått och gult. Vid blandning av ljus är de rött blått och grönt. (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    komplementfärger (Swedish)
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    couleur élémentaire (French)
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