secondary colors (Q3465)

From CanonBase

A color which is created by mixing two primary colors. When mixing light these colors are cyan, yellow (amber), and magenta. When mixing pigments these colors are orange (yellow), green and (purple) violet.

A color which is created by mixing two primary colors. When mixing light these colors are cyan, yellow (amber), and magenta. When mixing pigments these colors are orange (yellow), green and (purple) violet.
Language Label Description Also known as
secondary colors
A color which is created by mixing two primary colors. When mixing light these colors are cyan, yellow (amber), and magenta. When mixing pigments these colors are orange (yellow), green and (purple) violet.


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    3 August 2013
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    secondary colors (English)
    A color which is created by mixing two primary colors. When mixing light these colors are cyan, yellow (amber), and magenta. When mixing pigments these colors are orange (yellow), green and (purple) violet. (English)
    3 August 2013
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    míchané barvy (Czech)
    Barva která vzniká smícháním dvou základních barev. Ve světle je to modrozelená žlutá (jantarová) purpurová. V pigmentu je to oranžová (žlutá) zelená a fialová (nachová). (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    sekundární barvy (Czech)
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    colori secondari (Italian)
    0 references
    secundaire kleuren (Dutch)
    secundaire kleuren in licht filters: cyaan geel en magenta. (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
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    Mischfarben (German)
    Farbe die durch das Mischen zweier Grundfarben erzielt wird. Die additiven Mischfarben sind Zyan Gelb (Bernstein) und Magenta. Die subtraktiven Mischfarben sind Orange (Gelb) Grün und (Violett-) Lila. (German)
    3 August 2013
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    colores secundarios (Spanish)
    Color que es creado mezclando dos colores primarios. En luces son considerados secundarios el azul amarillo (ambar) y magenta. En pigmentos el naranja (amarillo) verde y púrpura (violeta) (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
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    komplementfärger (Swedish)
    En färg som skapas genom att blanda två primärfärger. Vid lblandning av ljus; cyan gult och magenta. Vid pigmentblandning; orange grönt och violett. (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
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    couleur secondaire (French)
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