pin rail (Q3798)

From CanonBase

A fixed beam of steel or heavy wood, placed in the fly loft or on the stage floor at one side of the stage, to which lines that are used to raise and lower scenery or drops are attached.

A fixed beam of steel or heavy wood, placed in the fly loft or on the stage floor at one side of the stage, to which lines that are used to raise and lower scenery or drops are attached.
Language Label Description Also known as
pin rail
A fixed beam of steel or heavy wood, placed in the fly loft or on the stage floor at one side of the stage, to which lines that are used to raise and lower scenery or drops are attached.


    Type of information
    subclass of
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    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
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    historical term
    pin rail (English)
    A fixed beam of steel or heavy wood, placed in the fly loft or on the stage floor at one side of the stage, to which lines that are used to raise and lower scenery or drops are attached. (English)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    tahová stěna (Czech)
    Pevný rám z oceli nebo těžkého dřeva umístěný v provazišti nebo na podlaze jeviště na jedné straně kde jsou uchycena ovládací lana tahů. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    nagelbank (Dutch)
    Een vaste balk van staal of hard hout geplaatst in de toneeltoren op werkbruggen of bereikbaar op de toneelvloer langs één zijde van het toneel waar rond korvijnnagels de koorden worden vastgelegd waaraan de trekken hangen. (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
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    Feststellergeländer (German)
    Geländer auf dem die Seilfeststeller der Kommandoseile des Gegengewichtsystems montiert sind (German)
    3 August 2013
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    clavijero (Spanish)
    Una viga fija de acero o de madera pesada colocada en el telar o en un lateral de piso del escenario a la que se amarran los tiros que se usan para subir y bajar los decorados o telones. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    hjärtbalk (Swedish)
    0 references
    Fly-rail (English)
    Also known as pin rail. A rail on the fly-floor used for fastening the lines used for flying scenery. (English)
    0 references


    Sub field tree

