connected in series (Q3821)

From CanonBase

Portions of an electric circuit that are connected sequentially so that the same current that goes through one part must go through all parts.

Portions of an electric circuit that are connected sequentially so that the same current that goes through one part must go through all parts.
Language Label Description Also known as
connected in series
Portions of an electric circuit that are connected sequentially so that the same current that goes through one part must go through all parts.


    Type of information
    0 references
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    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
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    historical term
    connected in series (English)
    Portions of an electric circuit that are connected sequentially so that the same current that goes through one part must go through all parts. (English)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    sériové zapojení (Czech)
    Součástky zapojené v elektrickém obvodu za sebou tak že procházející proud se mezi nimi nemění. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    allacciamento in serie (Italian)
    0 references
    serieschakeling (Dutch)
    de stroom vloeit achtereenvolgens door alle serie-aangesloten toestellen, de spanning wordt erover verdeeld (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    Reihenschaltung (German)
    Hintereinanderschaltung zweier oder mehrerer Bestandteile in einem Schaltkreis. (German)
    3 August 2013
    Serienschaltung (German)
    0 references
    conectado en serie (Spanish)
    Partes de un circuito eléctrico que están conectadas en fila de forma que la misma corriente eléctrica atraviesa todas las partes. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    seriekopplad (Swedish)
    när objekt ligger efter varandra (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    branché en série (French)
    0 references
