hard patch (Q3859)

From CanonBase

The location and device for the interconnection of power routing from dimmers to lighting circuits at line voltage.

The location and device for the interconnection of power routing from dimmers to lighting circuits at line voltage.
Language Label Description Also known as
hard patch
The location and device for the interconnection of power routing from dimmers to lighting circuits at line voltage.


    Type of information
    0 references
    subclass of
    0 references
    0 references
    0 references
    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    0 references
    historical term
    hard patch (English)
    The location and device for the interconnection of power routing from dimmers to lighting circuits at line voltage. (English)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    hard patch (Czech)
    Místo nebo zařízení pro přepojování napájecích cest ze stmívačů do světelných okruhů / zásuvek se síťovým napětím. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    rozvaděč (Czech)
    panel (Czech)
    patchovací pole (Czech)
    0 references
    quadro di spinamento (Italian)
    0 references
    patchpanel (Dutch)
    een verdeelbord met rijen contactpunten waarin stekkers de gekozen verbindingen kunnen maken tussen lichtkringen en dimmers (hardpatch op werkspanning) (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    Steckbrett (German)
    Verteilelement für Leitungen das für Rangierung d.h. für den Aufbau komplexer Leitungsstrukturen eingesetzt wird - z. B. für die Verteilung von Dimmerkreisen. (German)
    3 August 2013
    Schalttafel (German)
    Steckpult (German)
    Steckfeld (German)
    0 references
    panel de interconexión (Spanish)
    Un panel formado por filas de conectores en los que se pueden enchufar clavijas para enviar potencia a los circuitos de iluminación conectando circuitos a dimers. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
    tablero repartidor (Spanish)
    tablero de conexiones (Spanish)
    0 references
    korskopplingsutrustning (Swedish)
    användes främst för korskoppling av ljud (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    kopplingsbord (Swedish)
    0 references
    dispatch (French)
    0 references
    quadro di spinamento (English)
    pannello di distriibuzione (English)
    0 references


    Sub field tree

