sound files (Q3952)

From CanonBase

A generic term trefering to files for storing data, compressed or uncompressed, on a computer system in different formats such as WAV, MP3, AAC, etc.

A generic term trefering to files for storing data, compressed or uncompressed, on a computer system in different formats such as WAV, MP3, AAC, etc.
Language Label Description Also known as
sound files
A generic term trefering to files for storing data, compressed or uncompressed, on a computer system in different formats such as WAV, MP3, AAC, etc.


    Type of information
    0 references
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    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    0 references
    historical term
    sound files (English)
    A generic term trefering to files for storing data, compressed or uncompressed, on a computer system in different formats such as WAV, MP3, AAC, etc. (English)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    hudební soubory (Czech)
    Termín pro označení souborů s daty (komprimovaným nebo nekomprimovanými) v počítači v různých formátech jako je WAV MP3 AAC atp. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    geluidsfile (Dutch)
    Types van geluidsfile die verschillen in hun manier van noteren, en van gebruikt computerprogramma, in formaten zoals WAV, MP3, AAC, enz. (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
    geluidsbestand (Dutch)
    0 references
    Audiodatei (German)
    0 references
    archivos de sonido (Spanish)
    Término genérico para referirse a archivos para almacenar datos comprimidos o no de audio en un sistema de computación en diferentes formatos tales como WAV mp3 aac etc. (Spanish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    ljudfiler (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    audiofiler (Swedish)
    0 references
