muslin (Q4078)

From CanonBase

A firm plain weave cotton fabric which can be as heavy as sheeting or as light as a sheer drapery fabric. Unbleached muslin is often used for mockups, flat linings, and for stage scenery.

A firm plain weave cotton fabric which can be as heavy as sheeting or as light as a sheer drapery fabric. Unbleached muslin is often used for mockups, flat linings, and for stage scenery.
Language Label Description Also known as
A firm plain weave cotton fabric which can be as heavy as sheeting or as light as a sheer drapery fabric. Unbleached muslin is often used for mockups, flat linings, and for stage scenery.


    Type of information
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    courtesy of
    3 August 2013
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    historical term
    muslin (English)
    A firm plain weave cotton fabric which can be as heavy as sheeting or as light as a sheer drapery fabric. Unbleached muslin is often used for mockups, flat linings, and for stage scenery. (English)
    3 August 2013
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    mušelín (Czech)
    Hustě tkaná bavlněná textilie. Může být zpracována váhově kdekoli od lehké průhledné závěsoviny až do těžké draperie. Často se používá jako zkušební materiál pro výrobu látkových střihů nebo ke scénickým účelům. (Czech)
    3 August 2013
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    mussola (di cotone) (Italian)
    Tessuto di cotone con armatura tela. Può essere utilizzato per confezionare lenzuola o come tessuto da drappeggio fine e leggero . La mussola grezza (naturale) viene spesso utilizzata per modellistica fodere e per scenografie. (Italian)
    3 August 2013
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    mousseline (Dutch)
    los geweven stof van katoen, wol of zijde (Dutch)
    3 August 2013
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    Schleirnessel (German)
    leichter/transparenter Baumwollstoff (German)
    3 August 2013
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    muselina (Spanish)
    0 references
    muslin (Swedish)
    Ett slätt bommulstyg. Kan förekomma som både tjockt och tunt.Annvänds för olika behov inom kostym och scen (Swedish)
    3 August 2013
    0 references
    coton écru (French)
    0 references
