safety pin (Q4105)
From CanonBase
A U shaped metal fastener with a guard over the pointed end, used to hold fabrics or costume pieces together, it comes in a variety of sizes and can be made of stainless steel or brass.
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | safety pin | A U shaped metal fastener with a guard over the pointed end, used to hold fabrics or costume pieces together, it comes in a variety of sizes and can be made of stainless steel or brass. |
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3 August 2013
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historical term
safety pin (English)
A U shaped metal fastener with a guard over the pointed end, used to hold fabrics or costume pieces together, it comes in a variety of sizes and can be made of stainless steel or brass. (English)
3 August 2013
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zavírací špendlík (Czech)
Kovový zahnutý špendlík se zavíráním sloužící k dočasnému sepnutí částí oděvu. (Czech)
3 August 2013
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spilla da balia (Italian)
Spilla in metallo a forma di U con una protezione (testa) sopra l'estremità appuntita. Utilizzata per congiungere strati di tessuto o parti di un costume. Disponibile in una varietà di dimensioni e materiali (acciaio inossidabile ottone). (Italian)
3 August 2013
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veiligheidsspeld (Dutch)
speld waarvan de punt in een dopje of haakje sluit, zodat het niet kan losgaan of prikken, komt in verscillende maten voor (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Sicherheitsnadel (German)
verschliessbare Spezialnadel zum vorübergehenden Zusammenhalten von Stoffen (German)
3 August 2013
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säkerhetsnål (Swedish)
En U-formad metallnål där ena änden är vass och den andra har en skyddad maetallkappa över sigdär den vassa änden hakas fast då nålen stängs. Håller olika tyder eller kostymbitar samman. Finns i olika storlekar. (Swedish)
3 August 2013
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épingle de nourice (French)
3 August 2013
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