headband (Q4241)

From CanonBase

A costume accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead usually to keep the hair away from the face or eyes, often made from stretch material or a horseshoe shaped piece of flexible plastic fastened with combs.

A costume accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead usually to keep the hair away from the face or eyes, often made from stretch material or a horseshoe shaped piece of flexible plastic fastened with combs.
  • aliceband
Language Label Description Also known as
A costume accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead usually to keep the hair away from the face or eyes, often made from stretch material or a horseshoe shaped piece of flexible plastic fastened with combs.
  • aliceband


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3 August 2013
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historical term
headband (English)
A costume accessory worn in the hair or around the forehead usually to keep the hair away from the face or eyes, often made from stretch material or a horseshoe shaped piece of flexible plastic fastened with combs. (English)
3 August 2013
aliceband (English)
0 references
čelenka do vlasů (Czech)
Vlasový doplněk který zabraňuje padání vlasů do obličeje. (Czech)
3 August 2013
0 references
fascia per capelli (Italian)
0 references
haarband (Dutch)
een band, meestal gemaakt uit stretchstof om de haren uit het gezicht te halen (Dutch)
3 August 2013
haarlint (Dutch)
0 references
Haarband (German)
Band oft aus elastischem Material das auf dem Kopf getragen wird um das Haar aus dem Gesicht zu halten. Auch U-förmiger flexibler Plastikreif mit Kammteil. (German)
3 August 2013
Haarreif (German)
0 references
cinta de cabeza (Spanish)
Un accesorio de vestuario usado en el pelo o alrededor de la frente por lo general para mantener el cabello lejos de la cara o los ojos. Puede ser de material elástico o una pieza de plástico flexible en forma de herradura sujeta con peinetas. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
cinta de Alicia (Spanish)
0 references
diadem (Swedish)
En assessoar.Bärs runt huvudet för att hålla håret på plats. Är tillverkat av töjbart material eller som en hästskoform i en fjädrande plast eller metall. (Swedish)
3 August 2013
pannband (Swedish)
0 references


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