act drop (Q4251)

From CanonBase

A curtain hung on stage which closes the visual scene and serves as an indication that there is more to come.

A curtain hung on stage which closes the visual scene and serves as an indication that there is more to come.
  • act curtain
Language Label Description Also known as
act drop
A curtain hung on stage which closes the visual scene and serves as an indication that there is more to come.
  • act curtain


Type of information
subclass of
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courtesy of
3 August 2013
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historical term
act drop (English)
A curtain hung on stage which closes the visual scene and serves as an indication that there is more to come. (English)
3 August 2013
act curtain (English)
0 references
meziopona (Czech)
Opona která vizuálně odděluje přední a zadní část jeviště v průběhu scénických změn nebo zkracuje hloubku jeviště. (Czech)
3 August 2013
přestávková opona (Czech)
0 references
sipario di boccascena (Italian)
0 references
prosceniumdoek (Dutch)
tussendoek op 1e plan dat changement er achter mogelijk maakt (Dutch)
3 August 2013
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Zwischenvorhang (German)
Vorhang in Laufschiene oder Hänger im Zug um Umbauten während der Aufführung zu verdecken. Nicht der Hauptvorhang. (German)
3 August 2013
Pausenvorhang (German)
0 references
telón de entreactos (Spanish)
Cortina o telón pintado que cierra la escena entre distintos cuadros o actos de una función. (Spanish)
3 August 2013
comodín (Spanish)
telón chico (Spanish)
telón corto (Spanish)
0 references
mellanaktsridå (Swedish)
3 August 2013
tablåridå (Swedish)
0 references
rideau d’entracte (French)
0 references
Act Drop (English)
A painted cloth lowered duringthe performance of a play. It is usually employedfor a subsidiary scene to be played while changesare being made on the larger part of the stagebehind the cloth. (English)
A painted cloth lowered during the performance of a play. It is usually employed for a subsidiary scene to be played while changes are being made on the larger part of the stage behind the cloth. (English)
0 references
Drop Curtain (English)
0 references


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